My Fair London and The Equality Trust are delighted to welcome to London Sarah Anderson and Chuck Collins from the U.S. based Institute for Policy Studies to celebrate the publication of Born on Third Base, a new book about class and race advantage.
Although Donald Trump campaigned as an economic populist, his administration is now pushing policies that would lead to even more extreme levels of wealth and income inequality. How are U.S. activists responding? What strategies are cities and states pursuing to reduce CEO-worker pay disparities and tax wealth? How do we shift the stories and narratives that hold inequality in place?
Sarah Anderson directs the Global Economy Project at the Institute for Policy Studies and is a co-editor of the IPS web site Sarah has played a key role in coordinating U.S. and international advocacy for financial transaction taxes. She is also a well-known expert on CEO pay, corporate tax-dodging, and Wall Street reform
Chuck Collins directs the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies where he is also an co-editor. His newest book is Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good. He is co-author, with Bill Gates Sr., of Wealth and Our Commonwealth: Why American Should Tax Accumulated Fortunes. He is also cofounder of the Patriotic Millionaires, an effort organize members of the 1 percent to advocate for fair tax policy.
As usual the meeting will start at 6.30 p.m. with presentations from Sarah and Chuck, and there will then be plenty of time for questions and discussion. Despite Trump there are many progressive things happening in states and cities across America. What lessons can we learn from the US experience?
My Fair London has to pay a room hire fee, so we will be asking everyone who attends to make a contribution towards the costs of the evening, on a pay-what-you-can basis. Chuck has donated 20 copies of 'Born on Third Base' which we will auction off to the highest bidders, calculated relative to ability to pay! And thanks to The Equality Trust we will be offering drinks at end of the evening.
University College London Hospitals Trust
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London NW1 2PG
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