Green Party candidate Sian Berry endorses our Agenda for a Fairer City

In a confident and free flowing discussion with My Fair London activists, Green Party candidate Sian Berry warmly endorsed our 2021 Agenda for a Fairer London. She joined MFL activists for an hours conversation and discussion on-line, chaired by the CEO of the Trust for London Bharat Mehta. In her opening remarks she described how the Green Party has long identified runaway inequality as intimately linked to environmental degradation and climate collapse. And also how she agreed with My Fair London analysis that London's gross economic and structural inequalities underpin so many of the day-to-day problems that Londoners face in their lives - in housing, employment, education, or with poverty, violent crime, poor mental health, or loneliness.

In a wide ranging discussion Sian answered questions on affordable housing and out of control rents, transport issues and racism. She spoke passionately in favour of Universal Basic Income, and how the straight injustice of unfair privilege is one of her driving motivations as a politician. 

The Green Party agrees that to have any chance of living within global environmental limits we need to re-structure our economy and build a fairer London.

Watch the conversation with Sian here: 

You can check out the Green Party's Manifesto for London here

Read and share our 2021 Agenda for a Fairer London

Sign our petition calling on the Mayoral candidates to act on inequality

Watch our public meeting with Professor Sir Micheal Marmot, Farzana Khan and Natalie Creary, on Covid 19, health inequalities and black community perspectives.

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  • Alex Bax